Expressions of interest for the 2025 festival are NOW OPEN
Ecofest provides an opportunity for businesses, community groups and individuals showcase their sustainable products or services. At ecofest each year we start many conversations with our community, on how we can work together for a more sustainable future. Preference is given to those who meet our ethos. We aim to have a zero waste event in the coming years with re-usable plates and cups available for patrons. Stall holders are asked to take any rubbish with them. Please ensure all packaging is either re-usable, refillable, compostable, bio-degradable or paper. (strictly NO Plastic bags).
Two days in 2025
We are excited to trial a two day event in 2025, having received overwhelming support from our exhibitors. We are also moving to a ZERO Waste event.
So what does this mean for the Exhibitors?
Moving to a two day event we aim to create a more relaxed experience for exhibitors and patrons, please take the time to enjoy all the festival has to offer.
Make a weekend of it.. Camp Clayton will be offering accommodation packages for exhibitors to stay ovenight Friday and /or Saturday nights
Please take your waste home to be sorted and recycled.
We have slightly increased the site fees to reflect a two-day event.
Expressions of interest are sought from exhibitors who can commit to attending both days.
Exhibitors will be allowed to leave their exhibits set up overnight on Saturday, all buildings will be locked overnight, perhaps Cover exhibit with a sheet.
Please DO NOT Leave CASH on the premises overnight.
There will be NO vehicles movements allowed on inner festival site after 8.30am Saturday until 3.30pm Sunday. so if your vehicle forms part of your exhibit, it will be onsite overnight on Saturday.
Vehicles can freely move from the "Stalls parking" area VIA the public carpark at ANYTIME.
Outside exhibits must be secured for weather conditions overnight, ensuring the peg down/weights are sufficient. Please also secure perishables/breakables (as we cannot monitor possums and wallabies overnight). We recommend securing items in lidded tubs.
We will be providing night security patrols of the site
Exhibitor Stalls
Exhibitor stalls are available in various locations around the site with several options for inside or outside, stall sizes, better pedestrian flow and improved stallholder access as well as loading and unloading, parking will also be available on site. We offer Volunteers on the day to help unpack your car in the loading zone. This will ensure cars are moved to stall holder parking lots in an efficient and timely manner. There will be multiple stall unloading areas operating this year. Each stall holder will be advised which zone is closest to their stall with site maps emailed prior to the event..
We ask all stall holders to create a safe space for festival patrons
We encourage stall holders to provide both CASH and Digital payments options for festival patrons as there is NO ATM onsite.
Stall sizing and two day prices
INSIDE Small - 2m frontage x 2m - $60
INSIDE Medium - 3m frontage x 2m - $75
INSIDE Large - 3m frontage/corner x 3m - $90
INSIDE Extra Large - 6m frontage x3m - $150
OUSTIDE Large 3m frontage x 3m - $60
OUSTIDE Ex Lrg 6m frontage x 3m - $120
TABLE: 2metre trestle table $5 ea (must be booked)
POWER: Stall holder $5 electricity provided on request
Not for Profits receive 50% discount on stall fee at time of invoicing (Includes free admission for 2 stall attendants)
Choose a convenient set up time either 4-6pm on Friday or 7am - 8am Saturday
Access to the site for vehicles will ONLY be between 7am - 8am on Saturday, and after pedestrians are cleared from site on Sunday.
Drivers must follow the instructions from our Traffic marshals.
All stalls have two free admissions assigned to their stall, any personnel in addition to two are asked to purchase a ticket (this ensures the continued viability of the event - we too are a not for profit run by volunteers)
All successful applicants will be invoiced, payment of invoice will secure your stall space
For further information please contact:
Cassie – Stalls Coordinator: stalls@ecofesttas.com.au